As you have noticed we have many plans for the future and can use any support you can offer. From a donation to our bank account, to donating educational material or spare tools, to sending an encouraging email, sharing is caring. When you get involved we can continue the work we are doing, and with your help we can go beyond what we thought possible.
When you are interested in supporting a single project, please feel free to mention this. We then will use your donation for that specific project.
Since the RARCC is an Indonesian registered foundation (Yayasan), you can send your donation to the following Indonesian bank account in either EUR, USD or IDR:
Name of Beneficiary:
Yayasan Raja Ampat Research and Conserva
Maybank Indonesia
Sorong Branch, Papua Barat, Indonesia
Jalan Basuki Rahmat No. 11 Sorong, Indonesia
Phone No. +62 951 321412 / 331573
Account Number:
2.042.00007.8 (EURO)
2.042.00004.4 (USD)
2.042.00010.0 (IDR)
Your donation can be tax deductible in Indonesia.
Support us with your holidays
You may choose Papua Diving or Kayak4Conservation when you plan to visit Raja Ampat, since a substantial part of their profit goes directly to the RARCC. While you enjoy the beauty of Raja Ampat, you can also make sure you are impacting lives of the people around.
Bring us educational material
Being in a remote area in West Papua, it is often a challenge to get things for our education centre. If you want to bring us something, we are always in need of educational games and children books, preferably in Indonesian or English. It is also hard to find here material to use in the following classes: Arts, Craft, Sports, and Music. Anyway, anything you want to bring will be much appreciated for us and for the students. At the moment, we have 67 pupils from five to 18 years old.
If you kindly want to ask us if we are in need of something specific, please contact us through the email address
If you want to send us something by post, kindly use the following address, and please mention your gift is for the RARCC to address:
Papua Diving
Jl. Bima 04 No 3 RT 003 RW 001 Kelurahan Malasilen Kecamatan Sorong Utara, Kota Sorong
Papua Barat 98416, Indonesia

Book “The Raja Ampat through the lens of”
We believe that one of the most effective ways to protect an area is to expose that area in such a way that the world will know about it and why we need to protect it!
Papua Diving has invited some of the many professional photographers they have had the pleasure in guiding over the years, to show the Raja Ampat through their eyes/lens, offering them as individual or as photographic team each a chapter in the book.
Each collaborative photographer immediately supported the project and shared their pictures and texts without any compensation other than the Raja Ampat is worth protecting!
The result is a hard cover book with 288 pages of spectacular imagery, depicting the Realm of the Four Kings in spectacular colour, both above and below the water. Chapters include written impressions as well as large colour galleries of the photographers.
The introductory chapters are by scientist Gerry Allen, marine scientist Mark Erdmann working for Conservation International, pioneer Max Ammer co-founder PT. Papua Diving and director of RARCC.
The success of the book is thanks to the photographers, Burt Jones, Claudia Pellarini-Joubert, David Doubilet, Denise Nielsen Tackett, Dos Winkel, Gerry Allen, Jennifer Hayes, Larry Tackett, Leon Joubert, Mark Strickland, Maurine Shimlock, Paul Munzinger, Roger Steen, Stephen Wong, Takako Uno, Tim Laman, and Thomas Haider, by the scientists Gerry Allen and Mark Erdmann, and by pioneer Max Ammer.
Pilot Goggles
Many US Army Air Service pilots were reporting that the glare from the sun was given them headaches and altitude sickness when new airplanes allowed people to fly higher and further in the 1930s. In reaction, the US Army Air Corps Lieutenant General John MacCready asked Bausch & Lomb to create aviation sunglasses that would reduce headaches and nausea experienced by pilots. In 1937 the Aviator with a metal frame and green lenses was born.
The aim of Pilot goggles is by re-assembling and selling Aviator sunglasses from Bausch & Lomb used by American pilots during the Second World War, an income stream is generated. The revenues of this project will be used for funding the other projects of the RARCC.
As only the frames and some small parts are in the possession of the RARCC, the other parts need to be produced as original. Parts that are being made as original are cushions, glasses, straps, and screws. After producing the parts as original, the pilot goggles will be re-assembled and stored in copies of original boxes.
Visit our special ‘Pilot goggles’ website on:
Volunteer with us
The RARCC also welcome volunteers if their projects and qualifications match our needs at the moment of the application. Please check more information about our Volunteer program and also about our facilities.
If none of these ideas inspires you, but you still want to kindly support our work, please contact us so we can figure out together how we can make use of your donation.
Thank you so much for your care!