The Raja Ampat Research and Conservation Centre (RARCC) offers English classes to the Papuans, from dive guides and boat captains to aviation students. At our education center, we offer a bilingual education from kindergarten to primary school.

For several years, our staff and some volunteers have been teaching Basic English trying to adjust the classes to the students’ needs, for instance, teaching vocabulary related to tourism and nature that the workers of Papua Diving and Kayak4Conservation need the most.

Under our flying club the Mansoear Flying Club, aviation students are taught technical English prior to any other lesson because pilots and aviation mechanics must master English to work in aviation and read the technical manuals.

We purchased many English books focused on tourism, technical work, health, HIV, etc. in Papua New Guinea because it is proven that educational material related to the local culture makes learning more effective among Papuans.

We also bought many English books, dictionaries, learning cards and games to use at our education center in Yerweser.

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