The RARCC assisted Papua Diving to start the Raja Ampat Dive Resort Association (RADRA) to address some problems within the Raja Ampat Marine Park in cooperation with others and have a stronger voice.
After a few failed attempts in the past initiated by Papua Diving, this time the efforts to work together started to get some fruits because many resorts came to the conclusion that cooperation can’t wait any longer.

If nothing is done, many problems will eventually destroy Raja Ampat and no tourists will come anymore. The owners of the resorts share many concerns, such as an increase in shark finning, destruction of reefs due to the lack of moorings, harassments of mantas, vandalism, much trash in the water and illegal logging.
Since February 2017, the RADRA held many meetings, including with other stakeholders. The organization was also officially registered.

The main goal of its members is to help the local authorities to work in sustainable tourism and to protect the area. This can be done, for instance, with more effective patrols to stop illegal fishing and illegal entry, by promoting safety in diving and by discussing ways to create new regulations.
We also would like to praise the efforts of Conservation International, especially of its volunteer Jose Luis Sanchez, to help RADRA to keep running.